9 Tage Ausflugspaket Ägypten und Rotes Meer

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Ab USD 1'400

+9 Zusätzliche Optionen

Genießen Sie die 9-Tage-Tour Package Ägypten und das Rote Meer, besuchen Sie die Pyramiden von Gizeh, die Sphinx, das Kairo-Museum und die 3-Nächte-Nilkreuzfahrt

Ab USD 1'400

+9 Zusätzliche Optionen

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► Day 1: Arrival Day: Wednesday 25 September 

Upon your arrival at Cairo airport or Hurghada, you will be met by our local representative, who will assist you through immigration and passport control and collecting your baggage. You will then be transferred to your hotel, where your Egyptologist tour guide, who will accompany you for the duration of the tour, will brief you about the tour package and the incredible experiences 
Overnight in Tropital Sahel hashish Hurghada 

Day 2: Hurghada Free Day Thursday 26 September 

Optional Snorkeling trip

Following a pick-up from your Hurghada hotel, transfer to the pier and set sail for the famous Dolphin House area, where a large number of dolphins can be found swimming in their natural environment. Spend about 1.5 hours sunbathing before you reach the Dolphin House. Here, if Mother Nature is accommodating, you will see dozens of dolphins playing in the water and swimming alongside your boat. If the weather allows, you can even jump in and play with them! Experience the dolphins in their natural habitat, living away from the constraints of an artificial pool and controlled environment. Observe their normal behaviour; if they choose to come and play with you, it’s according to their will. The area is ideal for snorkelling whether the dolphins are playful or not. Admire the beautiful corals and a multitude of exotic fish far from the tourist crowds. You will make a total of 3 stops in different locations. A small buffet lunch is also served on board, and if you are interested in diving, the crew can organize a professional instructor for a trial lesson (please advise in advance). Cruise back to the pier for your transfer back to your hotel in Hurghada in the late afternoon.
 overnight in Hurghada 

Day 3:free day in Hurghada Friday 27 September  

Optional  Scuba diving from Hurghada 
Spend a day out on the water learning to scuba dive on an 8-hour experience in Hurghada. This trip is suited for beginners and experts alike who simply want to enjoy the waters of the Red Sea. After pick-up, you will be taken out on a boat to your first diving spot. Experienced instructors will guide you around the location and explain the specifics of the diving site. Then head into the sea and explore the underwater realm. Once your first dive ends, enjoy an onboard lunch. Then you will move to a new site for the second dive. Opt to snorkel or swim if you feel like it. You will also have plenty of time to relax and sample the provided refreshment

Day 4 Hurghada to Luxor Saturday 28 September 

Early morning at 5 am travel for 4 hours to visit Luxor highlights 

Embarkation& Lunch onboard of the Nile Cruise, proceed with the Visits to the Eastbank of the Nile Including

► Karnak karnak Egypt 360 temple
Karnak karnak Egypt 360 is more than A temple, is a spectacular Complex of Sanctuaries, Kiosks, Pylons and Obelisks, All dedicated to the Theban gods and to the Greater Glory of Egypt`s Pharaohs, Karnak karnak Egypt 360 was the Most Important place for the worship of the Theban Triad(Amun, Mut, and Khonso) 
 ► ►Luxor Temple
Largely built by the New Kingdom Pharaoh Amenhotep the Third and Completed by King Tutankhamon and the Great King Ramses the second, The First pylon was raised by Ramses the second and Decorated  with His Military Battle of Kadesh
Dinner &Overnight onboard of the Cruise in Luxor

  ► DAY 5 -Valley of the kings Sunday 29 September 
Breakfast on the board on the Nile cruise, Breakfast on the Nile Cruise, Visit the west bank of the Nile Including:
► The valley of the Kings
Once  called the great Place of the Truth, this valley Called now the valley of the Kings, It is a Majestic domain of the Pharaohs who once lay in great stone Sarcophagi, awaiting immortality, The isolated valley behind Deir el Bahri is dominated by the Pyramid-Shaped Mountain Peak
► The colossi of Memnon:
Massive  pair statues Know as the  Colossi of Memnon, Rising about 18 M from the plain, They are the remains of what once the largest  complex on the west bank, Built by Amenhotep the Third
► The Queen Hatshepsut temple
Rising out of the desert Plain, in a series of terraces, The temple of Hatshepsut  Mergs with sheer limestone Cliffs of the eastern face of the Theban Mountain as if Nature herself had built this Extraordinary monument.
13:00 sail to Esna lock& lunch will be during the sail
18:00 arrive, Esna Lock, Sail to Edfu& Dinner
Overnight o board of the Cruise in Edfu

 ► DAY 6 Edfu Temple Monday 30 September 
Breakfast on board the Cruise
07:00 Visit the temple of Edfu
► Edfu temple
Upper Egyptian site dominated by a large well -Preserved temple, dedicated  to the hawk-God Horus, The Construction of Ptolemaic temple of Horus,which was founded on the site of a much earlier temple, dates to the period between the reigns of Ptolemy the Third(246 B.c),The descriptions on the walls  include the Myth of contending of Horus and Seth(Probably performed annually as a religious Drama.
09:30 Sail to Kom combo
12:30 lunch onboard of the Nile cruise during the sail
15:30 arrive kom ompo, visit the temple of Kom ompo
► Kom Ombo temple
The temple and the associated settlement site located 40 K.m north of Aswan, the temple was dedicated to the deities Sobek and Horus  and date mainly to the Ptolemaic and Roman period(332 B.b -395 A.c)
17:30 Continue sailing to Aswan, Dinner will be during the sail
21:00 arrive Aswan and overnight on board the Cruise

  ► DAY 6  Aswan Highlights Tuesday 1 oct 

Breakfast on Board the Cruise

08:00 Proceed with Visits of Aswan including the temple of Philae and tour by Felucca around Elephantine, the High Dam, the Unfinished Obelisk
► Phiala temple
Built to honor the goddess Isis, this was the last temple built in the classical Egyptian style. Construction began around 690 BC, and it was one of the last outposts where the goddess was worshipped
► The High Dam
Aswan High Dam is a rock-fill dam located at the northern border between Egypt and Sudan. The dam is fed by the River Nile and the reservoir forms Lake Nasser. Construction for the project began in 1960 and was completed in 1968. It was officially inaugurated in 1971.
► The Unfinished Obelisk
Aswan was the source of ancient Egypt’s finest granite, used to make statues and embellish temples, pyramids, and obelisks. The large unfinished obelisk in the Northern Quarries has provided valuable insight into how these monuments were created, although the full construction process is still not entirely clear. Three sides of the shaft, nearly 42m long, were completed except for the inscriptions. At 1168 tonnes, the completed obelisk would have been the single heaviest piece of stone the Egyptians ever fashioned. 

12:00 lunch onboard of the Cruise
Dinner &overnight on board the Cruise

► Day 8 - Cairo - Pyramids and Museum 

You will be picked up from your hotel in Giza by our tour guide to enjoy a great excursion to The Pyramids of Giza (  Cheops, Chephren, and Mykerinus. Then proceed to visit the Great Sphinx, which dates back to the time of and visit the Valley Temple.
Lunch will be served during the Pyramids at the local restaurant in Giza
Then visit the Egyptian Museum
The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Tahir
It exhibits a rare collection of over 250,000 genuine artifacts that date as far back as 5000 years, including an exclusive exhibit dedicated to the Tutankhamen - A collection of treasures, gold, and jewelry that were buried in his tomb for over 3,500 years before they were discovered in 1920 when his tomb was excavated.
then fly back to Hurghada after your tour in Cairo 

 Day 9 Departure day 

The tour ends after breakfast. You will be transferred to  Hurghada airport for an international flight according to your flight  



  1. Treffen und Unterstützung am internationalen Flughafen von Kairo + Transfer zum Hotel mit einem klimatisierten Fahrzeug
  2. 03 Übernachtungen in Kairo inklusive Frühstück & aller Steuern - 5 Sterne Hotel
  3. 1-tägige Tour in Kairo wie im Programm angegeben, inklusive Eintrittsgelder und deutschsprachiger Reiseleitung
  4.  Mittagessen in einem lokalen Restaurant in Kairo
  5.  03 Übernachtungen mit 5-Sterne-Nilkreuzfahrt mit Vollpension
  6. 2 Übernachtungen im 5 Sterne Hotel in Hurghada basierend auf All Inclusive
  7.  Alle Sightseeing-Touren an Bord Ihrer Nilkreuzfahrt, einschließlich:
  8.  Tour zum High Dam, Philae Tempel in Assuan
  9. Tour zu den Tempeln von Kom Ombo und Edfu.
  10. Tour zum Tal der Könige, zum Hatschepsut-Tempel und zu den Kolossen von Memnon.
  11. Tour zu den Tempeln von Karnak und Luxor.
  12. Eintrittsgelder für alle im Programm genannten Standorte
  13. Flugtickets Kairo Assuan-Hurghada Kairo
  14.  Alle Die Preise verstehen sich pro Person und in US-Dollar
  15. Deutschsprachiger Reiseführer
  16. Alle Servicegebühren und Steuern
  17. Unterstützung und Transfer zum internationalen Flughafen von Kairo bei der endgültigen Abreise