Best 10 Days Egypt itinerary

Are you looking for a 10-day Egypt itinerary? You will visit the highlights of Egypt like the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, Visit Memphis and Sakkra , fly to Aswan to visit Abu Simbel, and  Luxor to visit, the Valley of the Kings, 

 ► Day 1 Arrival day 
Marsa Alam Tours representative will meet and assist you at Cairo airport and transfer you to your hotel in Cairo 
► Day 2 Pyramids and museum 

Our tour guide will accompany you to visit the Pyramids of Giza from the airport 

First, you will visit the Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops ) is the oldest and largest of the pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.
The Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for the Fourth Dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu and estimated that it was built in the 26th century BC during a period of around 27 years.
Initially standing at 146.5 meters (481 feet), the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for more than 3,800 years. 
If you wish to visit the burial chamber of King Cheops. You can ask the tour guide to buy it for you it costs 440 l. E per person( 25 $ per person)

Then we will visit the Pyramid of Chephren or Khafre. This r is the second-tallest and second-largest of the 3 Ancient Egyptian Pyramids of Giza and the tomb of the Fourth-Dynasty pharaoh Khafre (Chefren), who ruled c. 2558−2532 BC.
Then we will visit the Pyramid of Mykerinus.

Enjoy a Panoramic View of the 3 Pyramids of Giza

We go head to visit the Valley Temple of king Chephren. While doing that you can have a closer look at the Great Sphinx - the legendary guardian that stands by the huge funeral complex with its lion body and the head of king Chephren. Enjoy a camel ride by the Pyramids of Giza in the desert.  After that You will go to a local restaurant to have your lunch before you visit the  Museum then you will visit the Egyptian Museum in El Tahrir 


► The Egyptian Museum 
It exhibits a rare collection of over 250,000 genuine artifacts that date as far back as 5000 years, including an exclusive exhibit dedicated to Tutankhamen - A collection of treasures, gold, and jewellery that were buried in his tomb for over 3,500 years before they were discovered in 1920 when his tomb was excavated.
Then in the evening, you will do Nile Cruise Dinner Cairo:
Overnight in Cairo 
 ► Day 3 Old Cairo day tour 

Pick Up time from your hotel in   Cairo or Giza at 08:00 am with your Egyptologist tour guide, you will drive up to the Saladin Citadel, constructed by Salah al-Din on the Moqattam Hills in 1183 AD as a defense against Crusader armies. Known for its fresh air and sweeping views of   Cairo, it is now a preserved historic site of mosques and museums, including the Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha
Designed by the Turkish architect Yousif Boushnaq, who came to   Cairo especially from Istanbul to build the great building, the mosque's alabaster structure stands in beautiful contrast to the sandstone city.
Lunch will be served in a local restaurant in Old   Cairo
Then, visit Old   Cairo   to see major attractions such as the Hanging Church, the Ben Ezra Synagogue, the Church of St. Barbara, and the Church of Abu Serga, one of the oldest Coptic churches in   Cairo
Continue to the Khan el-Khalili Bazaar, one of the oldest bazaars in the Middle East. Discover the old Cairo the center of   Cairo’s trading activities since the 14th century. After an amazing trip,overnight in Cairo

 ► Day 4 Memphis , Sakkra and Dahsure
You will be picked up from your hotel by Marsa Alam tour guide to enjoy Cairo Day Tour to Memphis Sakkara and Dahshur Pyramids. You will start with the Step Pyramid at Sakkara, which is considered the world's oldest major stone structure. It was built in the 3rd Dynasty for King Djoser. Then Proceed to have your lunch at a local restaurant. After that transfer to Memphis which was founded by King Menes, and was the capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom, it was considered to be a center of rule and culture for over 3000 years the first capital of Egypt, and see the Statue of Ramses II and the Alabaster Sphinx of Memphis. Then drive to Dahshur, Two of the later pyramids constructed here have been completely destroyed by time, and the elements and several others, such as the Black Pyramid (12th Dynasty, 1929-1885 BC), are badly damaged, but Dahshur also boasts two of Egypt’s best-preserved early pyramids. Both built during the reign of King Sneferu (2613-2589 BC), the founder of the 4th Dynasty, the Bent Pyramid, and the Red Pyramid at Dahshur are massive evidence of the architectural development that lead to the construction of the Great Pyramid and it companions at Giza. Then drive to Cairo Airport for a short flight in Aswan 
 Day 5 Aswan visits 
pick up from Aswan airport to visit Aswan attractions, including the Temple of Philae, and tour by Felucca around Elephantine, the High Dam, the Unfinished Obelisk
 ► Phiala temple:
Built to honour the goddess Isis, this was the last temple built in the classical Egyptian style. Construction began around 690 BC, and it was one of the last outposts where the goddess was worshipped.
► The high dam:
Aswan High Dam is a rock-fill dam located at the northern border between Egypt and Sudan. The dam is fed by the River Nile and the reservoir forms Lake Nasser. Construction for the project began in 1960 and was completed in 1968. It was officially inaugurated in 1971
lunch in Aswan 
► The Unfinished Obelisk
Aswan was the source of ancient Egypt’s finest granite, used to make statues and embellish temples, pyramids, and obelisks. The large unfinished obelisk in the Northern Quarries has provided valuable insight into how these monuments were created, although the full construction process is still not entirely clear. Three sides of the shaft, nearly 42m long, were completed except for the inscriptions. At 1168 tonnes, the completed obelisk would have been the single heaviest piece of stone the Egyptians ever fashioned.
Felucca around Elphinatine
At 16:00 sailing trip with Felucca around Elphinatine island and Visit Lord Kitchener islandand saint Samoun  and Nubian Museum
overnight in Aswan  hotel 
► Day 6 Abu Simbel from Aswan 

Early Visit to Abu Simbel at 4:30 am 
 ► Abu Simbel temples:
The two temples of Ramses the second and the Queen Nefertari were carved out of the Mountain on the west bank of the Nile between 1274 and 1244 B.c, The Great Temple was dedicated to Ramses the Second, Ra-Harakhty, Amun Ra, and Ptah, with 4 Colossal statues, The second temple was dedicated to Queen Nefertari and Goddess Hathor, the two temples were dismantled stone by stone and rebuilt on higher ground, The preservation of the two temples of Abu Simbel must Rank as the greatest Achievement of the Unesco.
Lunch in Aswan

Overnight in Aswan 
 ► Day 7-Kom Ombo and Edfu temple - Luxor 

You will travel with your private driver to meet your guide at Edfu temple 
Edfu temple :
Upper Egyptian site dominated by a large well -Preserved temple, dedicated to the hawk-God Horus, The Construction of Ptolemaic temple of Horus, which was founded on the site of a much earlier temple, dated to the period between the reigns of Ptolemy the Third(246 B.c), The descriptions on the walls include the Myth of contending of Horus and Seth(Probably performed annually as a religious Drama.
Lunch then visit  the temple of Kom Ombo
Kom Ombo temple :
The temple and the associated settlement site located 40 K.m north of Aswan, the temple was dedicated to the deities Sobek and Horus  and date mainly to the Ptolemaic and Roman period(332 B.b -395 A.c)
Then transfer to Overnight in Luxor 

 ► Day 8 Luxor attractions

You  will start you tour around 8 am to visit 

 ► The Valley of the Kings:
Once  called the great Place of the Truth, this valley is Called now the valley of the Kings, It is a Majestic domain of the Pharaohs who once lay in great stone Sarcophagi, awaiting immortality, The isolated valley behind Deir el Bahri is dominated by the Pyramid-Shaped Mountain Peak
► The Queen Hatshepsut temple :
Rising out of the desert Plain, in a series of terraces, The temple of Hatshepsut Mergs with sheer limestone cliffs on the eastern face of the Theban Mountain as if Nature herself had built this Extraordinary monument.
► The colossi of Memnon:
Massive  pair statues Known as the  Colossi of Memnon, Rising about 18 M from the plain, are the remains of what was once the largest  complex on the west bank, Built by Amenhotep the Third
►  Karnak Temple   :
Karnak   is more than A temple, is a spectacular Complex of Sanctuaries, Kiosks, Pylons, and Obelisks, All dedicated to the Theban gods and to the Greater Glory of Egypt`s Pharaohs, Karnak  was the Most Important place for the worship of the Theban Triad(Amun, Mut, and Khonso) 
Lunch will be served during the trip


 ► Day 9  West bank day tour 

Madinat Habu temple :

In ancient times Madinat Habu was known as Djanet and according to ancient belief was the place was Amun first appeared. Both Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III built a temple dedicated to Amun here and Later Rameses III constructed his larger memorial temple on the site.

First Pylon – the temple of Rameses III During his time Djanet became the administrative center of Western Thebes. The whole temple complex was surrounded by a massive fortified enclosure wall, with an unusual gateway at the eastern entrance, known as the pavilion gate. This structure, a copy of Syrian migdol fortresses is something you would not expect to see in Egypt. Rameses III, a military man probably saw the virtue in such a structure. It is likely Rameses resided here from time to time because a royal palace was attached at the south of the open forecourt of this temple, while priests’ dwellings and administrative buildings lay on either side of the temple. Originally a canal with a harbor outside the entrance connected the temple to the Nile. But this was obliterated by the desert long ago.

Madinat Habu temple from the air

 ►  Ramsseum:

 Ramesseum, funerary temple of Ramses II (1279–13 BC), erected on the west bank of the Nile River at Thebes in Upper Egypt. The temple, famous for its 57-foot (17-meter) seated statue of Ramses II (of which only fragments are left), was dedicated to the god Amon and the deceased king. The walls of the Ramesseum, which is only about half preserved, are decorated with reliefs, including scenes depicting the Battle of Kadesh, the Syrian wars, and the Festival of Min

► Deir El Madina

The main cemetery of the royal workmen at Deir el-Medina is situated to the west of the village, on the slope of the Theban hills. Most of the tombs were built during the 19th dynasty. Some of them are impressive in their decoration and size. By the time of the 20th dynasty, the tombs had been turned into family tombs in which the descendants of the original owners were buried. Little alterations were made apart from the addition of another subterranean burial chamber. The lower courses of the eastern hill of Qurnet Murai were the site of burials of babies and children. More than a hundred children were buried in common domestic pottery jars or amphorae, in baskets, even fish baskets, in chests, boxes or in proper coffins there. The poorest burials were those of still-born babies. They contained no jewelry or amulets, only small vessels filled with food for the afterlife. The adults' graves were situated higher up. Many of these graves date from the 18th dynasty

Lunch During the tour.

►  The valley of The Queens

The Valley of the Queens, also known as Biban el-Harim, Biban el-Sultanat, and Wadi el-Melikat, is a place in Egypt where wives of Pharaohs were buried in ancient times. In ancient times, it was known as Ta-Set-Neferu, meaning - 'the place of the Children of the Pharaoh', because along with the Queens of the 18th, 19th and 20th dynasties (1550-1070 BCE) many princes and princesses were also buried with various members of the nobility. The tombs of these individuals were maintained by mortuary priests who performed daily rituals and provided offerings and prayers for the deceased nobility.

The valley is located near the better known Valley of the Kings on the west bank of the Nile across from Thebes (modern Luxor) . This barren area in the western hills was chosen due to its relative isolation and proximity to the capital.

The kings of the 18th dynasty, instead of the traditional building of pyramids as burial chambers (perhaps because of their vulnerability to tomb robbers), now chose to be buried in rock-cut tombs.

This necropolis is said to hold more than seventy tombs, many of which are stylish and lavishly decorated. An example of this is the resting place carved out of the rock for Queen Nefertari (1290-1224 BCE) of the 19th Dynasty. The polychrome reliefs in her tomb are still in tact.

The ancient Egyptians gave it the name Set Neferu, meaning "seat of beauty". From 1903-1906 an Italian expedition discovered about eighty tombs, some of which belonged to children of royalty. Many were severely damaged having been burned and or reduced to being used as stables for donkeys and camels. One of the most well-known tombs is that of Nefertari, the best-loved of Ramesses II's numerous wives. In her honor, he built a beautiful temple at Abu Simbel.
overnight in Luxor 
►  Day 10  Dendera and Abydos 
Pick up time from your hotel in Luxor  by Marsa Alam tours tour guide, Then Drive to  Dendera temple
With a break in the desert 
Visit Dendera temple
Arrive at Dendera at 08: 30, You will be accompanied by Egyptologist tour guide, He will explain the history of the temple 
Dendera temple
The Temple of Hathor was largely constructed during the Late Ptolemaic period, specifically during the reign of Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra VII. Later additions were made during the Roman period. Although built by a dynasty of rulers who were not native Egyptians themselves, the design of this temple has been found to be in accordance to that of other classical Egyptian temples, with the exception of the front of the hypostyle hall, which, according to an inscription above the entrance, was constructed by the Emperor Tiberius.
Apart from these, there are also scenes in the temple complex portraying the Ptolemaic rulers. For example, carved onto the external face of one of the temple walls is a huge relief of Cleopatra VII and her son by Julius Caesar and co-ruler, Ptolemy XV (better known as Caesarion). The two Ptolemaic rulers are shown dressed in Egyptian garb, and offering sacrifices.
Hathor was also regarded as a goddess of healing, and this is evident in the presence of a sanatorium in the temple complex. Here, pilgrims would come to be cured by the goddess. Sacred water (which was made holy by having it poured onto statues inscribed with sacred texts) was used for bathing, unguents were dispensed by the priests of Hathor, and sleeping quarters were provided for those hoping that the goddess would appear in their dreams, and so aid them.
Drive to Abydos temple from Dendera temple
Abydos temple
Considered one of the most important archaeological sites of Ancient Egypt, the sacred city of Abydos was the site of many ancient temples, including Umm el-Qa'ab, a royal necropolis where early pharaohs were entombed. These tombs began to be seen as extremely significant burials and in later times it became desirable to be buried in the area, leading to the growth of the town's importance as a cult site.
Today, Abydos is notable for the memorial temple of Seti I, which contains an inscription from the nineteenth dynasty known to the modern world as the Abydos King List. It is a chronological list showing cartouches of most dynastic pharaohs of Egypt from Menes until Ramesses I, Seti's father. The Great Temple and most of the ancient town are buried under the modern buildings to the north of the Seti temple. Many of the original structures and the artifacts within them are considered irretrievable and lost; many may have been destroyed by the new construction.
Abyos temple Located about 2.5 hours by car north of Luxor, Abydos was one of the most important religious sites to ancient Egyptians. Much like modern Muslims hope to complete a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime, ancient Egyptians would have hopes to visit Abydos, which for them was strongly associated with the entrance into the afterlife.
Although there were several temples constructed here, the largest and most significant is known as the Temple of Seti I. Seti I was the father of the great Ramesses II, who actually completed the construction of most of the temple after his father’s death.
Coming to power only 30 years after the upheaval associated with Akhenaten’s heretical rule, known as the Amarna Period, Seti I was concerned with reestablishing faith in the pantheon of Pre-Amarna gods that Akhenaten had sought to destroy.As a result, the temple he built contains small chapels dedicated to each of the major gods: Ptah, Re-Harakhte, Amun-Re, Osiris, Isis, Horus, and also one to Seti himself.Much of the temple complex is no longer present, including the pylon and the first two courtyards so visitors to enter through a doorway into the hypostyle hall. Many of the wall reliefs inside are well preserved and the reliefs toward the back of the temple, completed during Seti’s reign, are considered to be among the finest in any temple throughout Egypt.Since Abydos is more difficult to reach than many sites, it is not very heavily visited. Occasionally tour buses come from the beach resorts or with loads of cruise ship passengers from the Red Sea, but it you time your visit well, you might find yourself with the temple complex to yourself.
Lunch in Abydos temple
Enjoy Egyptian Lunch at Abydos temple 
then back to Luxor and transfer to Luxor airport for a short flight to Cairo then transfer to your hotel in cairo 

Aspectos importantes

  • The Pyramids of Giza
  • ► The Sphinx
  • ► Dinner cruise
  • ► Old Cairo 
  • ► memphis and Sakkara 
  • ► Abu Simbel
  • ► Aswan attractions
  • ► Luxor
  • ► The valley of kings
  • ► Karnak temple
  • ► Luxor temple
  • valley of the queen 
  • ► Hot air balloon 

► Inclusions:

  • ►  Meet & assist at Cairo International Airport + transfer to hotel by air-conditioned vehicle  
  • ► 03 nights' accommodation in Cairo including breakfast & all taxes 
  • ►3-night accommodation in a hapi hotel 
  • ► 3-night accommodation in Lotus hotel 
  • ►  Lunch during the tours
  • ►  All sightseeing tours include: 
  • ►  Entrance fees to all sites as mentioned in the program
  • ► English-speaking guide
  • ► All service charges and taxes 
  • ► Assist & transfer to Cairo International Airport on final departure
  • ► Dinner cruise in Cairo 
  • ► camel ride in Cairo 
► Exclusions:
  • ► International flights to Egypt

  • ► Entrance fees inside any of the pyramids 
  • ► Any other optional tours if required. 
  • ► Tipping 
► Please remember to bring:
  • ► Passports
  • ► Sunglasses
  • ► Hat
  • ► Sun Cream

►  Please remember to bring:

  •  Passport
  •  Sunglasses
  •  Sun cream

►  Tour Type :

  • ► Private 

Pick-up Time :

  • ►7:00 am 

 ► Know Before You go 

  • ► Ask for your breakfast box before the early departure. The hotel arranges it for you for free.

► Booking Method:

  •  Full Payment during the trip or by Visa Card Online Via our website

Reservations should be made as early as possible to book the desired Nile cruise, spaces will be secured upon receiving a deposit of 25 %, and during the Christmas and New Year holidays, the required deposit is 50%. This deposit forms part of your final payment. Deposits can only be made by credit cards, wire transfers and or the Western Union

 ► Prices
Prices are quoted in $ USA Dollars 

 ► Children Policy

  •  ► 0 - 01.99 Free of Charge
  •  ► 2 - 5.99 pay 25% of the tour price
  •  ► 6 - 11.99 pay 50% of the tour price
  •  ► 12+ pay full tour price as per adult person.

 ►Payment Policy
Reservations should be made as early as possible to book the desired Nile cruise, spaces will be secured upon receiving a deposit of 25 %, and during the Christmas and New Year holidays, the required deposit is 50%. This deposit forms part of your final payment. Deposits can only be made by credit cards, wire transfer and or the Western Union


  1. Cairo
  2. Aswan
  3. Luxor
  4. Cairo
  5. Cairo